2014, Intérieurs. Notes et Figures (La Biennale di Venezia)

The cellule.architecture of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Wallonia-Brussels International and the Cultural Institute of Architecture Wallonia-Brussels (ICA), in collaboration with CAVIAR.ARCHI, present a series of 6 videos on the curatorship of the Belgian Pavilion at the Venice International Architecture Biennale (La Biennale di Venezia) from 1996 to 2018.

In this video, Sarah Levy (Accessories designer) et Sébastien Martinez Barat (Architect – Martinez Barat Lahore Architectes) talk about the work of Bernard Dubois, Judith Wielander, Sarah Levy and Sébastien Martinez Barat, curators of Intérieurs. Notes et Figures. (2014).


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