BROUAE : Portrait of Gérôme Forthomme
Portrait of the Belgian architect Gérôme Forthomme through his commitment to eco-construction as part of the renovation of his house in Schaerbeek. Gérôme Forthomme BROUAE 11 avenue Eugène Demolder – 1030 Bussels – Belgique +32 2 647 21 41 Website With the support of Technical sheet of this architecture video clip Cameraman : Emanuel…
BRUSSELS BUILDS GREENER : Planning & Managing energy flows
In Interconnected buildings (smart buildings), NZEP, Trias Energetica, these are the new challenges emerging in the Brussels Region in terms of special techniques. an initiative of Brussels Invest & Export with the support of Cécile Jodogne, State Secretary in charge of Foreign Trade in collaboration with Project name : BRUSSELS BUILDS GREENER : Planning…