Jean Nouvel

  • CIDADE MATARAZZO, São Paulo – Brasil

    CIDADE MATARAZZO, São Paulo – Brasil

    Alexandre Allard is a French entrepreneur best known for the renovation of the Royal Monceau in Paris. Since 2011, he has been developing a real estate and cultural project in São Paulo, Brazil: the Cidade Matarazzo is a former hospital in the centre of São Paulo. After renovating the small chapel, Alexandre Allard called on…

  • HEKLA, Paris – France

    HEKLA, Paris – France

    The land where the HEKLA tower is located is triangular in shape and surrounded by numerous road connections. AG Real Estate proposed Jean Nouvel to the Paris La Défense developers as the architect for this flagship project, which aims to rebalance the skyline of La Défense, reconnect the various roads and activate this district of…