
  • GRANARY ISLAND, Gdańsk – Poland

    GRANARY ISLAND, Gdańsk – Poland

    The project involves maintaining the historical remains of granaries, enriching them with modern, functional housing with public space. During the first phase of the project building of the footbridge over the Motława River, reconstruction and adding the new lifting mechanism to the Stągiewny bridge and expansion of the marina will be taken. Chmielna Street and…

  • TOWN PLANNING DESIGN & ARCHITECTURE: Portrait of Boguslaw Witkowski

    TOWN PLANNING DESIGN & ARCHITECTURE: Portrait of Boguslaw Witkowski

    Boguslaw Witkowski works for the Department of Town Planning, Design & Architecture in Belgium. He comes from Poland where architecture was regulated by extremely strict standards but he has discovered that the same is true here! He wants to create green architecture that respects humans and nature and really generates a respectful attitude towards the…