architectesassoc. : Portrait of Sabine Leribaux

Her interest in architecture goes back to her early childhood. She first really understood this passion when she passed by a building site as a teenager. She has always been interested in the “doing” which she has never wanted to move away from. The aim of creating the « architectesassoc. » organisation was for her to stay relevant and close to her collaborators, the project owners, the project sites. She considers their architecture to be in an unstable balance, and always generous.

A FEMICITY program.

Sabine Leribaux

Technical sheet of this architecture video clip
Journalist : Emma C. Dessouroux
Cameraman : Julien Stroïnovsky / Novsky Films
Photographies : Mister Emma

Editing : Emma C. Dessouroux / Cristina Dias
Direction : Emma C. Dessouroux
Production : Les Délires Productions

Translation : MDR Translations
Subtitles : Les Délires Productions



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