EVENTS @ TOUR & TAXIS, Brussels – Belgium

This video shows the diversity of activities offered on the Tour & Taxis site: drive in, food trucks, food mall, salsa lessons ans also an urban park to stroll, play sports or relax with friends. Events at Tour et Taxis take different paths: outdoors or indoors, a basketball or volleyball court can be set up, a concert can be played. Both the Gare Maritime and the Sheds offer many possibilities for organizers such as those of Foire du Livre, BRAFA, Nuit Blanche,…

Focus on the events organized on the site of Tour & Taxis, Brussels – Belgium

Technical sheet of this architecture video clip
Journalist: Emma C. Dessouroux
Cameramen: Didier Minne – Geoffroy Minne – Mister Emma

Editing: Cristina Dias
Direction: Emma C. Dessouroux
Production: Les Délires Productions

Translation: Dumilieu Media
Rereading: Serge Ryckoort / Emelire
Subtitles: Dumilieu Media

Jean Vandamme (Event Manager – Tour & Taxis Venues)


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