PARC @ TOUR & TAXIS, Brussels – Belgium

This video presents the development of green spaces on the site of Tour & Taxi and mainly the large park designed by town planner Bas Smets. On the edge of this park, the former Brussels Regional Minister for the Environment, Energy and Housing of the Brussels-Capital Region, Céline Frémault, commissioned Bas Smet to create a work of art featuring human rights in the spotlight. The town planner imagined a marble obelisk there.

Focus on the urban park of Tour & Taxis, Brussels – Belgium

Technical sheet of this architecture video clip
Journalist: Emma C. Dessouroux
Cameramen: Didier Minne – Geoffroy Minne – Mister Emma

Editing: Cristina Dias
Direction: Emma C. Dessouroux
Production: Les Délires Productions

Translation: Anne-Marie Diriken – Dumilieu Media
Rereading: Serge Ryckoort / Emelire – MDR Translations
Subtitles: Les Délires Productions – Dumilieu Media

Kris Verhellen (CEO, Extensa), Bas Smets (Landscape architect, Bureau Bas Smets), Céline Frémault (Deputy of Brussels Parliament, CDH)


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