Luc Deleuze
ART & BUILD ARCHITECT : Portrait of Luc Deleuze
Luc Deleuze began his career as an entrepreneur. An urbanite, he gave up working with Luc Schuiten and Francis Metzger to devote himself to the city with Art & Build Architect. Luc Deleuze also teaches at the ULB – Free University of Brussels. Luc Deleuze Art & Build Architect 255 chaussée de Waterloo 1060 Brussels…
DOCKS BRUXSEL, Brussels – Belgium
Docks Bruxsel is a hub, a place for exchange and a place to live, underpinned by the economic support of commerce. The aim of this new commercial pole in the north of Brussels is to bring life to an old neighbourhood that was once marked by the presence of the warehouses and activities of the…
BRUSSELS BUILDS GREENER : The Value of Expertise
At the beginning of the 2000s, the Brussels Region decided to launch itself into a quite ambitious programme. Its purpose was to align construction more closely to stricter environmental standards, and to use less energy in the management of buildings. Little by little the standards were established, firstly for public authorities and then for the…