Sebastian Moreno-Vacca
MARNIX, Brussels – Belgium
The MARNIX building in the heart of Brussels was erected in 1964 by the American firm SOM (Skidmore, Owings & Merrill). It was extended using the same architectural grammar in 1989 and has become an emblematic building for the European capital, but the task facing Brussels-based A2M today is much more important: to bring the…
IXELLES-EMPLOI, Brussels – Belgium
The municipality of Ixelles (Brussels, Belgium) has launched a design and build competition for the construction of a House of Employment (Maison de l’Emploi) on its property. The project was awarded to the A2m Office, who submitted an innovative proposal for making the programme work on the ground. The passive and BATEX building uses, for…
ANVERS-SIMONS, Brussels – Belgium
The Anvers-Simons project, designed by the A2M office, is part of a program aimed at creating school places in the City of Brussels, and bringing expressive architecture to a crèche, a nursery school, passive housing units, and a sports hall right in the heart of the Brussels’ North Quarter. Project name : Anvers-Simons Address :Rue…
A2M : Portrait
A2M was founded by Sebastian Moreno-Vacca in 2000. The architect rapidly began to concentrate and specialise in the construction of sustainable buildings. In collaboration with his three associates, he develops projects based on parametric design. On the strength of his experience he exports his expertise across the world. Sebastian Moreno-Vacca, Grégory Mathy, Aline Branders, Julie…
BELLE-VUE, Brussels – Belgium
Following its acquisition of the old Belle-Vue breweries site in Molenbeek (Brussels, Belgium), Nelson Canal has, with the help of the A2M architectural office, been working on renovating the buildings and giving them a new direction: a youth hotel, passive housing, and the 2.0 Museum have appeared. Project name : Belle-Vue Address : 33-41 quai…
BRUSSELS BUILDS GREENER : Conception & Passive House Standard
In 2004 the Brussels-Capital Region decided to implement particularly ambitious energy policies in order to respond and subscribe to international climate goals. an initiative of Brussels Invest & Export with the support of Cécile Jodogne, State Secretary in charge of Foreign Trade in collaboration with Project name : BRUSSELS BUILDS GREENER : Conception &…