Sunita Van Heers

  • ARCHILAB: Certifications

    ARCHILAB: Certifications

    Real estate developers have a big role to play in the ongoing environmental and societal changes and challenges. Aware of this new reality, Atenor has set up a think tank called ArchiLAB, i.e. a Think tank, a laboratory of ideas and observations, which brings together experts from different backgrounds likely to best trace the path…

  • VICTORIA TOWER, Brussels – Belgium

    VICTORIA TOWER, Brussels – Belgium

    Project name: VICTORIA TOWERAddress: Place Eugène Victoria. 1210 BruxellesAssignation/Destination: Office, Hotel, co-working, restaurant Name of client: DWNTWNName of architect: 51N4E Technical sheet of this architecture video clipJournalist : Emma C. DessourouxCameraman : Mister Emma Editing : Cristina DiasDirection : Emma C. DessourouxProduction : Les Délires Productions Translation : Dumilieu MediaRereading : Serge Ryckoort / EmelireSubtitles…