
  • PLACE DU CHÂTELAIN, Brussels – Belgium

    PLACE DU CHÂTELAIN, Brussels – Belgium

    Châtelain Square will be a benchmark in the transformation of public space in Ixelles. The evolution of the mobility is a driver to sustain the affordance of this public space. Our proposition holds a dual challenge: permitting the locations’ re-appropriation by local users, while sustaining active pursuits and daily functions, and giving living things back…

  • PARCKFARM, Brussels – Belgium

    PARCKFARM, Brussels – Belgium

    Parckfarm is a project that came out of the experience of Park Design 2914. Initiated by Brussels Environment, led by Petra Pfermenges (Alive Architecture), the aim was to sensitise the citizen to agricultural practices in the city. The park is signed up to a sustainability programme and is an integral part of the Tour and…