ARCHILAB: 0 Carbone

Real estate developers have a big role to play in the ongoing environmental and societal changes and challenges. Aware of this new reality, Atenor has set up a think tank called ArchiLAB, i.e. a Think tank, a laboratory of ideas and observations, which brings together experts from different backgrounds likely to best trace the path to be taken for commit to the future.

Thanks to ArchiLAB, ATENOR maintains its pioneering role in constant search for innovations. ATENOR captures and follows trends in contemporary architecture, innovative and sustainable technologies, and is thus offered responses to societal changes. From Think tank, ArchiLAB quickly became a Do tank, in other words a space that allows ideas to turn into concrete actions.

The presence of ATENOR in many European political, economic and geographical contexts makes it possible to develop pragmatic and transposable expertise and to ensure strong resilience of projects and actions by relying precisely on this European diversity.

To date, various subjects have been addressed during these moments of reflection, including the subject that concerns us in this video: 0 Carbone. To talk about it, Mister Emma receives Benoît Quevrin (General Manager, Faast) and Julie Willem (International Executive Manager, ATENOR).


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