CAMPUS CERIA, Brussels – Belgium

The CERIA campus is one of the most important campuses in the Brussels-Capital Region. The various schools located on the site are generally linked to the food industry but there is also a scientific research center in microbiology. Two new secondary schools with active pedagogy will be built in the coming months by the architects of the V +, MSA and 51N4E offices.

Technical sheet of this architecture video clip
Journalist: Emma C. Dessouroux
Cameramen: Emma C. Dessouroux – Emanuel Pinto – Christophe Lecoq

Editing: Emma C. Dessouroux, Cristina Dias
Direction: Mister Emma
Production: Les Délires Productions

Translation: Dumilieu Media
Rereading: Serge Ryckoort / Emelire – MDR Translations
Subtitles: Dumilieu Media – Les Délires Productions

Ariane Merland (Chargée de projets pédagogiques, Commission communautaire française), Olivier Kiesecoms (Directeur d’administration, Direction d’Administration Affaires budgétaires et patrimoniales, Commission communautaire française), Jörn Aram Bihain (Architecte associé, V+ / Vers plus de bien-être), Alain Simon (Architecte, MSA), Matthieu Moreau (Architecte Cast, 51N4E)


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