Les Délires Productions

  • Portrait of Félix Roulin

    Portrait of Félix Roulin

    Félix Roulin is a sculptor. After having started out in copperware, he experimented with various materials but it was bronze to which he was most drawn. From abstract art to the human figure, the artist talks about his career and his latest work “The Ages of Humanity”, that he has just delivered to the Marie…

  • BELLE-VUE, Brussels – Belgium

    BELLE-VUE, Brussels – Belgium

    Following its acquisition of the old Belle-Vue breweries site in Molenbeek (Brussels, Belgium), Nelson Canal has, with the help of the A2M architectural office, been working on renovating the buildings and giving them a new direction: a youth hotel, passive housing, and the 2.0 Museum have appeared. Project name : Belle-Vue Address : 33-41 quai…

  • LES TREFLES, Brussels – Belgium

    LES TREFLES, Brussels – Belgium

    The ask was to accommodate some 750 students, from kindergarten to primary school, with an adjoining sports centre as well. Patrick Vonck started out with a negative reaction to the memories of my youth, being the classical rectangular building with the central corridor, enclosed, a bit claustrophobic. Project name: Les Trèfles Address: 8 rue Daniel…

  • DOCKS BRUXSEL, Brussels – Belgium

    DOCKS BRUXSEL, Brussels – Belgium

    Docks Bruxsel is a hub, a place for exchange and a place to live, underpinned by the economic support of commerce. The aim of this new commercial pole in the north of Brussels is to bring life to an old neighbourhood that was once marked by the presence of the warehouses and activities of the…

  • GREENBIZZ, Brussels – Belgium

    GREENBIZZ, Brussels – Belgium

    Greenbizz is the economic component of the Tivoli Green City project being developed by citydev.brussels. Its great originality is in having been designed, for the first time in Brussels, with an incubation section above the workshops section. architectesassoc. has designed an innovative building with a low energy production section and a passive energy incubation section.…

  • TIVOLI GREEN CITY, Brussels – Belgium

    TIVOLI GREEN CITY, Brussels – Belgium

    Tivoli Sustainable Neighbourhood is the largest project that citydev.brussels has ever undertaken. This eco-neighbourhood will include economic activity (Greenbizz), housing, two crèches, and 1,000 m² of shops. It is located on a complex site, as it’s squeezed in between a residential area and an industrial one. in association with citydev.brussels Project name : Tivoli Green…

  • NEWTON SME PARK, Brussels – Belgium

    NEWTON SME PARK, Brussels – Belgium

    citydev.brussels did not use to have any no built units intended for small SMEs in Brussels. But with the Brussels Newton SME Park, citydev.brussels has now created a park with around fifteen 250 sqm units. The building was designed by the architects DDS & Partners Architects and the Bureau d’Architecture Emmanuel Bouffioux. In March 2015…

  • BRUSSELS BUILDS GREENER : Sustainable urban planning

    BRUSSELS BUILDS GREENER : Sustainable urban planning

    What is sustainable urbanism in the Brussels-Capital Region, and more generally? Alexander D’Hooghe, Marcel Smet from ORG2 consultants, and Guillaume Van Der Vaeren from JNC International consultants, try to answer this question. an initiative of Brussels Invest & Export with the support of Cécile Jodogne, State Secretary in charge of Foreign Trade in collaboration with…

  • BRUSSELS BUILDS GREENER : Future Proof Hospitals

    BRUSSELS BUILDS GREENER : Future Proof Hospitals

    How should you design a hospital when you know that it is going to take between five and ten years? How will we be operating in tomorrow’s world? The construction of a hospital of the future is a real challenge, in making sure that it can evolve. an initiative of Brussels Invest & Export with…

  • BRUSSELS BUILDS GREENER : Planning & Managing energy flows

    BRUSSELS BUILDS GREENER : Planning & Managing energy flows

    In Interconnected buildings (smart buildings), NZEP, Trias Energetica, these are the new challenges emerging in the Brussels Region in terms of special techniques. an initiative of Brussels Invest & Export with the support of Cécile Jodogne, State Secretary in charge of Foreign Trade in collaboration with ecobuild.brussels Project name : BRUSSELS BUILDS GREENER : Planning…