2.6.4. Hotels

  • CIDADE MATARAZZO, São Paulo – Brasil

    CIDADE MATARAZZO, São Paulo – Brasil

    Alexandre Allard is a French entrepreneur best known for the renovation of the Royal Monceau in Paris. Since 2011, he has been developing a real estate and cultural project in São Paulo, Brazil: the Cidade Matarazzo is a former hospital in the centre of São Paulo. After renovating the small chapel, Alexandre Allard called on…

  • VICTORIA TOWER, Brussels – Belgium

    VICTORIA TOWER, Brussels – Belgium

    Project name: VICTORIA TOWERAddress: Place Eugène Victoria. 1210 BruxellesAssignation/Destination: Office, Hotel, co-working, restaurant Name of client: DWNTWNName of architect: 51N4E Technical sheet of this architecture video clipJournalist : Emma C. DessourouxCameraman : Mister Emma Editing : Cristina DiasDirection : Emma C. DessourouxProduction : Les Délires Productions Translation : Dumilieu MediaRereading : Serge Ryckoort / EmelireSubtitles…

  • GRANARY ISLAND, Gdańsk – Poland

    GRANARY ISLAND, Gdańsk – Poland

    The project involves maintaining the historical remains of granaries, enriching them with modern, functional housing with public space. During the first phase of the project building of the footbridge over the Motława River, reconstruction and adding the new lifting mechanism to the Stągiewny bridge and expansion of the marina will be taken. Chmielna Street and…

  • CLUSTER CHAMBON, Brussels – Belgium

    CLUSTER CHAMBON, Brussels – Belgium

    Chambon has been known for many years as the headquarters of the General Savings and Retirement Fund (CGER), at Rue Fossé aux Loups, Brussels 1000. In 2011 BNP Paribas Fortis sold all of the buildings to Allfin, the real estate group, now known as Immobel. The renovation and construction project was managed by the Jaspers-Eyers…

  • SOLVAY 33-44, Brussels – Belgium

    SOLVAY 33-44, Brussels – Belgium

    In 2011 Immobel and BPI decided to buy the site of the old headquarters of the Solvay company, flagship of the Belgian chemical industry, which is located on both sides of the Rue Prince Albert (blocks 33 and 44). The challenge for the architects from the A2RC and Jaspers-Eyers architectural offices was to create a…

  • ARCHI 2000 : Hôtel et Comptoir des Galeries

    ARCHI 2000 : Hôtel et Comptoir des Galeries

    At the request of Alexandre Grosjean, director of the Société des Galeries, and of Nadine Flammarion, Archi 2000 took on the renovation-rebuilding of the Hôtel des Galeries in the Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert in the very heart of Brussels (Belgium). Project name : Hôtel et Comptoir des Galeries Address : 38 rue des Bouchers 38 (Hotel)…

  • MOTEL ONE, Brussels – Belgium

    MOTEL ONE, Brussels – Belgium

    Motel One, a German chain with hotels throughout Germany, was determined to establish its first base in Brussels, and the plan was not just a small base – in fact there was talk of a 498 room hotel, which would be the biggest hotel in Brussels. Besix chose Archi 2000 to carry out the project.…