GRAND POSTE, Liège – Belgium

La Grand Poste is a building that the people of Liège know well but, after years of abandonment, BPI and Noshaq asked the ALTIPLAN ° architects office to renovate the old building into a co-working center, a brasserie, a food market and to welcome the communication department of the University of Liège. Mister Emma talks with Marek Kisielewicz (CEO, ALTIPLAN ° architects), Gérôme Vanherf (CEO, La Grand Poste), Rodrigue Strouwen (Co-founder and partner, Creative director, TWODESIGNERS) and Jonathan Honvoh (Co-founder and partner , Creative Director, TWODESIGNERS).

Technical sheet of this architecture video clip
Journalist: Emma C. Dessouroux
Cameramen: Emma C. Dessouroux (Les Délires Productions)

Editing: Emma C. Dessouroux, Cristina Dias
Direction: Mister Emma
Production: Les Délires Productions

Translation: Dumilieu Media
Rereading: Serge Ryckoort / Emelire
Subtitles: Orico Studio

Marek Kisielewicz (CEO, ALTIPLAN ° architects), Gérôme Vanherf (CEO, La Grand Poste), Rodrigue Strouwen (Co-founder and partner, Creative director, TWODESIGNERS) and Jonathan Honvoh (Co-founder and partner , Creative Director, TWODESIGNERS


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