
  • OXY, Brussels – Belgium

    OXY, Brussels – Belgium

    The former Anspach center on Place de Brouckère in Brussels will be transformed into a multifunctional sustainable building. The real estate developers, Whitewood and Immobel, choose Snøhetta in collaboration with belgian company Binst Architects to redesign the tower. These two companies joined the executive team, the architects who monitor the bidding documents and the construction…

  • MULTI, Brussels – Belgium

    MULTI, Brussels – Belgium

    The old Philips tower which is located in the center of Brussels was bought by Whitewood and Immobel for a complete renovation. CONIX RDBM Architects proposed a highly circular project with the preservation of the structure, with the reuse of materials from the building or from external buildings. To achieve this, they called on the…

  • GRANARY ISLAND, Gdańsk – Poland

    GRANARY ISLAND, Gdańsk – Poland

    The project involves maintaining the historical remains of granaries, enriching them with modern, functional housing with public space. During the first phase of the project building of the footbridge over the Motława River, reconstruction and adding the new lifting mechanism to the Stągiewny bridge and expansion of the marina will be taken. Chmielna Street and…

  • CLUSTER CHAMBON, Brussels – Belgium

    CLUSTER CHAMBON, Brussels – Belgium

    Chambon has been known for many years as the headquarters of the General Savings and Retirement Fund (CGER), at Rue Fossé aux Loups, Brussels 1000. In 2011 BNP Paribas Fortis sold all of the buildings to Allfin, the real estate group, now known as Immobel. The renovation and construction project was managed by the Jaspers-Eyers…

  • SOLVAY 33-44, Brussels – Belgium

    SOLVAY 33-44, Brussels – Belgium

    In 2011 Immobel and BPI decided to buy the site of the old headquarters of the Solvay company, flagship of the Belgian chemical industry, which is located on both sides of the Rue Prince Albert (blocks 33 and 44). The challenge for the architects from the A2RC and Jaspers-Eyers architectural offices was to create a…

  • REMEMBER SOUVENIR : Denis Meyers – Solvay / IMMOBEL – BPI

    REMEMBER SOUVENIR : Denis Meyers – Solvay / IMMOBEL – BPI

    In 2016, the artist Denis Meyers took possession of the Solvay building in the heart of the Ixelles municipality. In collaboration with the current developers, IMMOBEL (ex-Allfin) and BPI, the Belgian street artist has painted 25.000 sq.m (out of 50,000 sq.m) with the idea of creating a huge and unique total urban artwork. Denis Meyers for the projet…