
  • KASTEEL, Brussels – Belgium

    KASTEEL, Brussels – Belgium

    With precise and demanding requirements, the hé! architectuur firm successfully took on the challenge of transforming this townhouse in Ganshoren. By removing the existing annexes, the architects opted for a more compact home while integrating a timber-frame extension. This structure, left exposed, demonstrates a simple and easily understandable construction principle. The renovation also opened the…

  • EGIED, Brussels – Belgium

    EGIED, Brussels – Belgium

    The Egied van Broeckhoven school project in Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, part of the Flemish government’s DBFM program, aims to build around forty schools through public-private partnerships. Located in the former Vandenheuvel brewery buildings, this school seeks to become a unifying space connecting the educational environment, the neighborhood, and the broader community. This project combines innovation with heritage…

  • RECYPARK, Brussels – Belgium

    RECYPARK, Brussels – Belgium

    The rise of container parks in Brussels reflects a growing ideological shift among citizens toward recycling and sustainability. Recyparks play a key role in the circular economy by transforming waste into resources and fostering a more positive perception of waste management. Integrating these parks into the urban fabric, rather than relegating them to the outskirts,…

  • DECOSTER, Brussels – Belgium

    DECOSTER, Brussels – Belgium

    Le chantier des bureaux de ici architectes prend place sur un site auparavant utilisé comme parking, comprenant plusieurs garages. Ce projet, initié en 2020, vise à aménager des espaces multifonctionnels, incluant des bureaux, des ateliers pour des associations ou des espaces communs comme un potager collectif ou une micro-pépinière. Conformément aux contraintes urbaines, les volumes…

  • LIVING PLACES, Copenhagen – Denmark

    LIVING PLACES, Copenhagen – Denmark

    The Living Places concept has Denmark’s lowest CO2 footprint and a first-class indoor climate, demonstrating that we don’t have to wait for future technology to build far more sustainable homes that are healthy and beautiful to live in. Starting from ground-up – each building component has been optimized for the best constellation of price. Indoor…