GRANARY ISLAND, Gdańsk – Poland

The project involves maintaining the historical remains of granaries, enriching them with modern, functional housing with public space. During the first phase of the project building of the footbridge over the Motława River, reconstruction and adding the new lifting mechanism to the Stągiewny bridge and expansion of the marina will be taken. Chmielna Street and its connection to Podwale Przedmiejskie will be upgraded – what will improve the transportation system and infrastructure. Długie Pobrzeże will be modernised. In the underground car park there was more parking space planned than needed for housing – part of it will be available for visitors to Granaria.

Project name: Granary Island
Address: Gdańsk – Poland
Assignation/Destination: Residential buildings

Name of client: IMMOBEL Poland
Name of architect: RKW Architektur + Kwadrat Studio Architektoniczne (Phase1), Mąka Sojka Architekci (Phase2)
Other: Multibud (co-developer), UBM (hotel investor)

Project status: in progress (end : 2023)

Technical sheet of this architecture video clip
Journalist : Emma C. Dessouroux
Cameraman : Mister Emma / Les Délires Productions
Images : Immobel

Editing : Cristina Dias
Direction : Mister Emma
Production : Les Délires Productions

Translation :
Rereading : Serge Ryckoort / Emelire
Subtitles : Les Délires Productions

Speaker :
Olivier Thiel (Managing Director – IMMOBEL Poland)

French Subtitles

Granaria est un projet au centre-ville de Gdańsk –
le cœur historique de la ville.
Le projet consiste en deux phases.
La première phase comprend 150 chambres d’hôtel,
200 appartements, un socle de retail.
De plus, dans un immeuble historique,
nous avons aménagé divers restaurants
qui créent une sorte de food court sur les lieux.
La seconde phase consiste en un hôtel de 300 chambres,
550 appartements et un socle de retail au rez-de-chaussée.
Comme il s’agit d’un PPAS avec la ville de Gdańsk,
nous créons un pont piéton qui relie l’île
sur laquelle le projet se trouve avec le centre-ville.
Sur la rive gauche, nous créons une nouvelle marina.
Pour l’architecture du projet, nous nous sommes basés
sur les greniers à céréales du XVIIe siècle.
On ne copie pas cette architecture
mais on crée un jeu contemporain
avec ces différents types de façades.
On maintient quelques ruines des bâtiments existants
que l’on intègre dans le projet.
Tout cela se fait en étroite collaboration
avec le service des Monuments et Sites local.
C’est important pour IMMOBEL
d’être présent au MIPIM Awards
car c’est la seule plateforme paneuropéenne
où l’on peut rencontrer les différents acteurs
du marché immobilier européen.
Dans le cadre de  notre expansion européenne,
il est très important pour nous d’être visible
car c’est là où l’on rencontre nos futurs partenaires,
architectes et collaborateurs.

English Subtitles

Granaria is a project in the centre of Gdansk –
the historic heart of the city.
The project is made up of two stages.
The first stage consists of 150 hotel rooms,
200 apartments and retail space.
In addition, in this historic building,
we have developed a range of restaurants,
creating a sort of on-site food court.
The second stage involves a 300-room hotel,
550 apartments and a ground-floor retail space.
Since it is part of a local land use plan with the city of Gdansk,
we are building a footbridge which connects the island
on which the project is being developed with the city centre.
On the left bank, we are also building a new marina.
For the architecture of the project, we took our inspiration
from 17th-century cereal granaries.
Instead of simply copying the architecture,
we are creating a contemporary interplay
with the different façade types.
Some of the remains of the existing building
are being maintained and integrated into the project.
This work is being carried out in close collaboration
with the local historic monuments department.
It is important for IMMOBEL
to take part in the MIPIM Awards
because it is the only Europe-wide
platform for meeting different stakeholders
in the European building market.
As part of our European expansion,
it is very important for us to be visible
because this is where we will meet our future partners,
architects and colleagues.


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