SUNSOAK DESIGN: Portrait of SunSoak Design

Sunsoak Design looks at renewables with an architect’s eye. Jean-Didier Steenackers and his teams manufacture solar machines that maximize solar radiation. We will find their achievements at Tour & Taxis, on the BotaSolar building in Brussels. The company also works well in Belgium with architectural offices such as ASSAR architects and architectesassoc. and also with Jean Nouvel and Renzo Piano in Paris, or OZ architecten, Populous and Arup Architects abroad.

Jean-Didier Steenackers
SunSoak Design

Technical sheet of this architecture video clip
Journalist: Emma C. Dessouroux
Cameraman: Mister Emma / Les Délires Productions – Didier Minne and Geoffroy Minne / Kinoflight

Editing: Emma C. Dessouroux / Cristina Dias
Direction: Emma C. Dessouroux
Production Les Délires Productions

Music: Gabriel Govea Ramos
Transcription: Emma C. Dessouroux
Translation: MDR Translations
Proofreading in French: Serge Ryckoort / Emelire
Subtitles: Orico Studio


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