
  • RECYPARK, Brussels – Belgium

    RECYPARK, Brussels – Belgium

    The rise of container parks in Brussels reflects a growing ideological shift among citizens toward recycling and sustainability. Recyparks play a key role in the circular economy by transforming waste into resources and fostering a more positive perception of waste management. Integrating these parks into the urban fabric, rather than relegating them to the outskirts,…

  • PLACE DU CHÂTELAIN, Brussels – Belgium

    PLACE DU CHÂTELAIN, Brussels – Belgium

    Châtelain Square will be a benchmark in the transformation of public space in Ixelles. The evolution of the mobility is a driver to sustain the affordance of this public space. Our proposition holds a dual challenge: permitting the locations’ re-appropriation by local users, while sustaining active pursuits and daily functions, and giving living things back…

  • GARDEN CITY MOVEMENT: Le Logis and Floréal, Brussels – Belgium

    GARDEN CITY MOVEMENT: Le Logis and Floréal, Brussels – Belgium

    The concept of the garden city was imagined in 1898 by Ebenezer Howard, a British urban planner. His goal was to remedy the uncontrolled growth of cities, to fight against the disintegration of the social link and to improve the comfort of life and the health of workers. In Belgium, this idea will percolate from…



    This 26-minute short film tells the story of the renaming of the Leopold II tunnel to Annie Cordy and talks about the artistic work of Charlotte Beaudry who imagined a piece of work to animate the 5 km of tunnel, a piece of work that honours the women of Brussels today and tomorrow. Women take…

  • TIVOLI GREENCITY, Brussels – Belgium

    TIVOLI GREENCITY, Brussels – Belgium

    Tivoli Sustainable Neighbourhood is the largest project that citydev.brussels has ever undertaken.This eco-neighbourhood will include economic activity (Greenbizz), housing, two crèches, and 1,000 m² of shops.It is located on a complex site, as it’s squeezed in between a residential area and an industrial one. Project name: Tivoli GreenCityAddress : rue de Tivoli – rue de…